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International Iranian Economic Association
Monthly Webinar Series


We are pleased to host a monthly webinar series, a combination of Keynote talks and panel sessions, on the second Wednesday of each month at the following times: 08.00 LA time | 11.00 Washington DC time | 16.00 London time | 19.30 Tehran time.


To attend our webinar series, please register here


Previous Webinars​


Panel session on Climate Change and Iran
9th of February 2022


Chair: Kamiar Mohaddes ​(Executive Secretary of IIEA & University of Cambridge)

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world in terms of climate change and is facing several environmental challenges. This panel consisting of Shirin Hakim (Imperial College London), Hamid Mohtadi (University of Wisconsin), and Kowsar Yousefi (University of Tehran), discuss issues related to climate change and Iran.

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