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International Iranian Economic Association

International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA)
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   About Us

International Iranian Economic Association (IIEA) is a private, non-profit, and non-political association of scholars interested in the study of economic issues concerning Iran, in the broadest sense of the term. The objectives of the IIEA are:

  • Promotion of high standard economic scholarship and research on Iran’s economy

  • Promotion of cooperation among persons and organizations committed to the objectives of IIEA

  • Facilitation of communication among scholars through its webpage, meetings and publications

  • Promotion of better understanding of Iran’s economic policy challenges and opportunities​

       for more details click here


Upcoming Events

Update: IIEA Seventh International Conference on the Iranian Economy

We regret that due to circumstances beyond our control, we have made the difficult decision of cancelling the planned IIEA conference in Doha. Building on the momentum generated by this conference, we are pleased to offer as an alternative a series of monthly webinars featuring the accepted conference papers.

More details soon!

IIEA monthly webinar series
started on the 11th of August 2021!

We are pleased to host a monthly webinar series, a combination of Keynote talks and panel sessions, starting in August 2021.

The IIEA webinars will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 16.00 London timeDetails for each webinar, including speakers and topics, can be found here.

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